Category Archives: Intermediate Crochet

Changing Color Mid-Row with Slip Stitch

Mee-ow to you all, it is I, Mimi, once again. Tea anyone

Today I’m going to show you another tricky use for slip stitch.

There are several techniques for changing colors mid-row, and this is one of them. The trick is, when you crochet this way, you don’t actually change the color mid-row, it only looks that way. What you are really doing is attaching a second row to the first with extra chain and slip stitches.

Here’s an example of how it can look when it is finished.

Pattern 43 v3

So how do you do it?

You start with a block of rows in the first color like this:

2016 201

Then you slip stitch into the last chain stitch of the block with the new color and add however many more chain stitches you require, like this:

Next you add a row of stitches (the same size stitches as your original block) working your way back to your original chain in the new color.

2016 204

The next thing to do is secure the top of that stitch with a slip stitch into the side of the same height stitch in the previous color to combine the 2 colors into one row securely.

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You then do your turning chain with one stitch less and replace the top stitch with another slip stitch into the other colored stitch beside it in the new row.

2016 206

From there you turn and continue the row.

You can repeat this for however many rows you need to create the desired effect of a 2 color row.

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Finishing a Row in One Place and Starting in Another with Slip Stitch

Mee-ow, it is I, Mimi.


Today I’m going to teach you a wonderful thing you can do with a tiny little stitch called slip stitch, sl st for short.

Sometimes when we crochet we want to start the next line in a different place to where we finished it.

If we want to make it longer we can simply add more chain at the end of the previous row like this (no slip stitches required)

If you want to finish in a longer place and start again further in you can finish off and start again, but that is too messy when there is a much  more suitable solution that looks is easier and looks better like this.

2016 103

So how do you do it? You start a new row adding a sl st to the top of each stitch you don’t want to increase, like this.

2016 104

I did this example in a separate color so you can see what I’m doing, but usually it would look like this – a seamless edge.


Once you reach the start of the next row you do your turning ch and continue on happily with your project.